If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.

Lewis Carroll

Today I have two simple questions for you to think about:

  • What do you want?
  • What are you going to do about it?

I remember a life lesson I got from my father when I was about 8 years old. To this day, I often think about it, and it has motivated me many times in my life. The lesson came early one morning while we were watching a small flock of birds, looking for, and feeding on insects on the lawn.

The crux of the matter is this: If the bird wants a worm, he has to leave his nest, find a suitable place, and start actively looking for the worm. The worm will seldom walk into his nest. It is the same with us as human beings. Whatever we want will seldom fall into our laps. We have to actively work towards getting whatever it is that we want.

But before we can work towards achieving or getting anything, we need to be very clear about it is that we want. We need to have some honest conversations with ourselves and really figure out where we want to go, what we want to do, and what we want to achieve. If you don’t know that, well, you will never really be happy. You will never experience the wonderful feeling of achievement when a dream comes true after committed and hard work on your part.

We (Dries and I) want to camp long-term. We are both working from home. Whether we work from a house in town, or from an offroad caravan in the bush, it really doesn’t matter. We know what we want. This mug shows it so beautifully!

We do have a retirement plan! We plan on camping!

Everything we consider buying or doing, is now considered with our goal in mind. Does it fit in with our goal? Will it add value to our goal? If not, we have to reconsider whatever it is.

Back to your two questions. What do you want? You can’t just say you want a better life; you will have to be way more specific than that. Once you know, the second question comes into play; what are you going to do about it? I won’t happen just by accident. It won’t fall into your lap. You will have to make it happen. You might have to sacrifice some other things to make it happen. But in the end, it will surely be worth it all.

Start having these difficult conversations with yourself while crafting.

See that view in the two photos? That is what we want. We want that view on a daily basis, every day of our lives, as long as our health allows. We are willing to sacrifice some disposable income now, to save towards that offroad caravan. We are willing to give up the comfort of city living, to get that view. We are willing to scale down on luxuries, to get that view.

Are you willing to do whatever it takes, to make your dreams come true?

1 Comment

  1. That’s exactly what my hubby and I wanted ~ we had the caravan and rigged it out so we would be comfortable. It was our plan to stand somewhere for about 3 months and then move on somewhere new, and so on, BUT then the Lord had other plans. Hubby passed away very suddenly 19 days after being diagnosed with cancer. I sold his double cab, caravan and all our camping gear together with his inflatable boat and motor ~ it was heartbreaking but I would never have been able to live our dream on my own.
    Hilda and Dries I wish you lots of love and prayers as you work towards your new venture and really hope you can live this dream very soon. God bless.

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