Wacky Weave is the term I use for interlocking crochet, also known as double filet. Nobody is really sure when this technique was invented, and by who. Unfortunately, one of the modern-day interlocking crochet specialists wanted to claim a patent and a copyright, even though there is evidence of patterns from as far back as the 70s. I did not want to use the term ‘interlocking crochet’, so one my testers at the time, Amanda Wellmann, came up with the name ‘wacky weave’. I loved it from the first time I heard it, and I still do.
Wacky Weave is not really a difficult concept, although I have seen many an old hand battle to master it. But once you get it, you will probably be addicted.
If you need help, join the Ilona Slow Life Creations group on Facebook.
Although there are three different ways to start a Wacky Weave project, the rules remain the same for all three. These rules will spare you some tears; make sure you understand them before you start.
Wacky Weave Rules
- Use smooth yarn. Textured yarns do not work well.
- Use strong contrasting colours to make it easier initially.
- Avoid variegated yarns initially.
- You will NEVER use your main colour, to crochet into a contrast colour stitch, or vice versa.
- The pattern is always open filet, in both colours, woven into each other.
- The number of contrast colour windows, will always be one less, than the number of main colour windows.
- You will always end with a MC row.
There are three different ways to start a Wacky Weave project. Choose the tutorial for the one you need.
The Double Trellis
I learned this starting method when my journey with interlocking crochet started. I never liked this method and have never used it in any of my designs. Instead, I came up with The Weave.
The Weave
This technique is used in the following design:
The Overlay
After the weave, I came up with The Overlay, which is now my favourite way of starting a Wacky Weave project. This technique is used in the following designs: