My passion for all things yarn resulted in me becoming a published author. But how did it start?
I have been knitting and crocheting since I was four years old. I have Aspergers (high functioning autism) and my hands that were always fidgeting, freaked my father out. My mother taught me to knit and crochet to keep my hands busy. It works to this day!
My mom never taught me to use a pattern. Everything we made, was our own design. If my mom had the same technology we have now, she would have been famous. That is where my passion for designing comes from. Add to that my obsession with yarn and natural fibre, and you will begin to understand my world.
I knit, crochet, sew, quilt, spin my own yarn and weave. Cooking, however, is not a favourite pass-time. Nor is cleaning! It gets done with a lot of mumbling and protest, and obviously the occasional swear word.
Because of the Aspergers, my social interaction often ends up with people being offended, and me scratching my head wondering why. Please keep that in mind; I seldom mean to offend. It just happens.

I am married to Dries. We have five children and six grandchildren. He is my rock. When I get overwhelmed, he calms me down. When I get grumpy, he feeds me. If I am still grumpy after eating, he always tells me I should have a nap. In my books, that makes him the best husband in the world. We love camping and one day we would like to give up our modern way of living, and start camping long-term.
Welcome to my world. I hope you will enjoy the slow life with me.
We need more Mary moments, in a Martha world.